Thiago Serra
Thiago Serra CMU Tepper OR PhD Alumnus

Industry Leaders in Analytics

Industry Leaders in Analytics

CMU INFORMS partners with other student organizations, such as the Tepper MBA Consulting Club and the Tepper MBA Data Analytics Club to bring in industry leaders in operations research and analytics to discuss real world challenges and applications.

Steve's Talk

We have invited INFORMS speakers and CMU alumni in leadership positions to share their expertise with our practice-oriented members and other interested parties in the CMU community. Some recent speakers we have invited include:

  1. April 2016: Steve Sashihara, CEO, Princeton Consultants
  2. September 2016: Sebastian Ceria, CEO, Axioma
  3. April 2017: Radhika Kulkarni, Vice President, SAS Institute
  4. Jan 2018: Martin Barkman, Vice President, SAP SE